News & Articles How to Know If You Have Depression

How to Know If You Have Depression

17 Feb 2016
How to Know If You Have Depression
Many Malaysians don’t like to discuss the issue of depression. This is mainly because they view it as a taboo subject and some are even superstitious, believing that discussing a certain negative subject may cause it to actually happen. Pretending that depression doesn’t exist is definitely not a solution as ignoring it will not make it go away.

Research has shown that in Malaysia, 8-12% of the population suffers from depression. This means that about one in ten Malaysians suffer from depression. The figures could possibly be higher as many cases go unreported and patients suffer in silence.

Are depression sufferers weak, lazy or mad?

They are not any one of these things. Depression is a mental disorder that can be managed and even cured. Although studies have shown that depression is more prevalent in lower income groups, it can strike anyone at any time without any reason. People can be very successful in their work and seem happy on the outside but be a closet depressive.

Why can’t they just snap out of it?

Depression is not something you can get out of by yourself. It is also not easy to beat. Only through many years of treatment and support from loved ones do some people survive. Others who are not so fortunate don’t survive depression, usually ending their own life.

What actually causes depression?

Experts say that depression is caused by biological, psychological and social factors. Therefore, if a family member suffers from depression, the chances of you having depression are higher. Some researchers suggest that depression in caused by lack of certain hormones. Stress and lack of understanding or support from loved ones increases the chances too. More importantly, unsupportive family members are the main reason why treatment is denied to sufferers, often leading to isolation and ending in death.

The way a person was treated as a child is also a factor that determines whether he or she end up depressed as an adult. If a child lacks an emotional bond or was abused by their adult caretaker, the chances of depression increase.

What are the symptoms of depression?

In general, here are the symptoms of depression:

• Lack of motivation to get out of bed or do anything
• No more interest in hobbies or things that excited you before
• Thoughts of suicide or suicide attempts
• Difficulty concentrating, drop in memory and unable to focus
• Anxiety and irritability
• Always tired and lacking in energy
• Feeling guilty or worthless
• Sleep disorders, either sleeping too much or too little
• Physical problems like headaches, muscle cramps, aches and pains all over the body

What’s the difference between depression and just feeling sad?

Feeling sad for a few days is very normal, especially if something bad happened. Normal sadness gets better after a few days or weeks. The main difference is that depression occurs over a long period of time, sometimes up to several years, with no particular cause or reason.

How is depression treated?

The treatments for depression usually involve antidepressant drugs and/or psychotherapy.

If you or anyone you know is suffering from depression, do contact a doctor or mental health practitioner as the sooner help is given, the better someone can cope and survive.


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