News & Articles Life Hack to Help Your Annual Spring Cleaning

Life Hack to Help Your Annual Spring Cleaning

4 Feb 2016
Life Hack to Help Your Annual Spring Cleaning
The New Year is a time when everybody performs the annual cleaning of their house from top to bottom. This practice is called spring cleaning and usually involves the whole family. During spring cleaning season, laborious tasks are completed, like changing bed sheets, hanging new curtains, clearing clogged drains and so on.

In order to make work more fun and less of a chore, follow these household hacks that are bound to motivate and encourage you to push until the end.

• In order to disinfect your sponge or cleaning cloth, soak it in some water until wet and wring it out to get a damp cloth or sponge. After that, put it in the microwave and heat on high for one minute.

• If your stainless steel faucets are stained and cloudy, use a lemon to make it shiny and smooth again.

• To remove stubborn stains on microwave surfaces, steam it by putting in a mug of water and heat it for several minutes before wiping the stain off with a rag.

• Use Coca-cola to clean tough stains on your toilet bowl by leaving a bottle in the toilet for an hour before flushing it away.

• If your stovetop looks dull, make it shiny by putting a layer of car wax. Wipe the excess off with paper towels or a rag. In the future, any stains will be easier to clean as there is a thin layer of wax underneath

• To dust high and difficult to reach places, tie a flannel cloth to a plastic broom and wipe away.

• To clean TV screens and computer screens, use some coffee filters.

• To remove those brownish stains on white keyboards, use a damp cotton bud soaked in rubbing alcohol.

• Any water rings or faded water stains left on your wooden furniture can be removed with a hair dryer.

• Your window blinds that look brownish can be cleaned by a rag soaked in half parts water and half parts vinegar

• Stubborn stains left on your carpet can be removed when you spray a mixture of half parts vinegar and water onto the stain. Next, put a clean rag onto the area and iron using the steam setting and iron for half a minute. If the stain is stubborn, leave the iron on longer.

• For cleaning around the house, use baking powder by leaving a layer on the affected area and scrubbing it away after one night.

• Pots and pans with black stains can be cleaned by a potato that has been cut in half and dipped in some salt. Remember to scrub it through.

• Clean your washing machine by pouring in one cup of vinegar and running the machine on a full cycle.

• Clean your glass windows or doors using an onion. Remember to wipe away the onion juice immediately after applying. This is a great way to remove water stains.


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