News & Articles Feng Shui Tips For A Happy Dwelling

Feng Shui Tips For A Happy Dwelling

2 Aug 2017
Feng Shui Tips For A Happy Dwelling
When buying a property, developers manage to sell a location and consequently construct a property, but what they are not able to sell is the harmony, health, advancement and authority that is strung subsequently.

If this is where your focus lies, Feng Shui just might be the tool to help you create a home for your family.

In the recently held Roadshow 2017, Atria Shopping Gallery, Petaling Jaya, Environology dot com Sdn Bhd property speaker Stephen Chin was talking about “Feng Shui tips for selecting the right home.”

“Everything around us consists of matter and energy. These elements can either make us a better person in terms of wealth, health and career advancement or even work opposingly.

“Hence choosing a house with the correct energy is just as vital. The most common energy around us is caused due to the Earth’s gravitational pull and electromagnetic force, as well as cosmic energy from outer space,” said Stephen.


“Environology is a study that focuses on creating a balanced and harmonious relationship between mankind and environment. It is an art of learning to understand nature, mimic nature and coexist with nature harmoniously.

“This study is based on Guo Pu’s Feng Shui principles.

“In these principles, the key is to enlighten one’s self with how deep the forces run through a landform and how it affects those living in close proximity. For example, these forces run deeper on dry land, while similar forces are shallow on flat land.

“With this knowledge, what should you as a buyer look into when purchasing a property?

Buyers or investors should look for mountains, rivers, roads as well as the design of the house in whole,” explained Stephen.

Five Key Considerations

According to Stephen Chin, there are five main rules to follow when buying a property.

The first would be to avoid landforms with minimal or no vegetation nearby. This is to ensure that the forces are in harmony and are vibrant.

Next would be to avoid broken or abruptly cut mountains and landforms, as the forces surrounding should be in a continuous flow.

Adding to that, it is also advisable to avoid rocky mountains and landforms.

The fourth rule advises the buyer to avoid mid-ranges and slopes and last but not the least, solitary mountains should be avoided.

All these rules try to ensure a continuous flow of energy from the Earth into a property. When surrounded by such energy, dwellers shall prosper, according to Stephen.

Stephen also advised buyers to, “Avoid odd-shaped lands, avoid properties built on top of hills, in the lowest valley or facing a mountain, avoid high tension lines or solitary objects around a property, and to avoid properties at T-junctions, unless you’re looking into buying a shop or restaurant.

Tackling Interiors Quadruply

After buying the property, the time would come to redesign the interior of the house accordingly.

Stephen advised property buyers to follow a four-step method initiated by his guru, Professor Master David Koh.

“The first step is to identify the sectors in which the family wants to focus in, and the following step would be to alter the main entrance accordingly, with respect to the houses alpha male’s year of birth.

“A Gua Calculator can be utilised to calculate the correct position of the main entrance in the house.

The kitchen and bedroom should be altered accordingly, with respect to the lead women in the house.

“The third step is to match the occupants of the house with suitable Feng Shui-favourable positions for better prosperity overall,” said Stephen.

Stephen also stressed on not digging up areas for pond construction, sitting under beams, or to rest facing sharp corners.

The household occupants are also advised to sleep avoiding the north-south axis, for better sleep and circulation of energy.

He also emphasized on the master of the house is positioned at the North-West of the house.

“The fourth step is energising. Depending on the different homes, a typical property might change its flow of energy every six to nine years.

Hence after this period, occupants may face a negative energy surrounding to which they might not prosper as well as compared to prior. This is where energising comes in.

“So the owners should re-energize their house once every six to nine years for continuous prosperity,” explained Stephen.

He concluded, “There are a lot of dont’s and do’s if an investor is looking for a home with favourable Feng Shui orientation in harmony with an investor or occupant and their respective families.

Luckily, architects of today are taught Environology that they may design a home in a more favourable manner that owners need not alter a property dramatically.”


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