News & Articles 7 Ways to Turn Your House into a Money Making Venture

7 Ways to Turn Your House into a Money Making Venture

14 Sep 2016
7 Ways to Turn Your House into a Money Making Venture
Would you believe it if someone said that there were ways to make money from your house and it doesn’t involve buying or renting out the entire property? In this day and age, making any bit of extra income is a welcomed endeavor and generating money using your house is an innovative and creative way of doing it.

Any money you make from your house can help in its upkeep and maintenance, therefore making your house self sustaining. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Rent out your lawn
If you have some spacious land in front or beside your house, and it looks acceptable, you can always rent it out for events like birthdays, barbeques and weddings. Many people nowadays stay in apartments and have no front lawns, so they’ll be more than happy to use yours.

Have yard sales
Do you or your neighbours have a lot of old and unused second hand items to get rid off? Why not organize a jumble sale in your house compound to lessen all the clutter and get some space back.

Organize Home Banquets
PlateCulture is a fairly new concept whereby chefs and food enthusiasts offer meals in their homes to diners for a price. So basically, customers look them up online, book their meal package, pay and then go to the chef’s homes to have the meal. So if you have good cooking skills, try offering dining experiences from your house.

Rent out your spare room
If you have extra rooms in your house that nobody uses, you can consider letting it out. You can let it out to long term tenants, or turn it into a sort of ‘Boutique hotel’ where you allow holiday makers and short term rentals in.

Rent out your driveway of garage
Since Malaysian homes don’t usually have a garage, you can always rent out any extra space in your driveway to neighbours with more than one car, provided that you yourself don’t need that space.

Offer Your Home to Filmmakers
If you have a particularly beautiful and unique house, contact some producers or production houses with pictures of your place and enquire if they’re interested. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for good locations to record TV programs, drama series and more.

Let Others Use Your Extra Living Room
For those who live in large houses that have extra living rooms, or a poolside, this is your chance to let local businesses know you have some space to let for regular things like Yoga classes, home tuition, meeting space and more!


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